The “Your Turn Challenge” is a 7-day blogging challenge inspired by the Your Turn book by Seth Godin.
Today’s writing prompt is: Why are you doing the Your Turn Challenge?
Because it is there.
Because Winnie asked me do it, and who can say no to a Winnie?
Because if I spend an hour each day on my blog post, I’ll only be 9,993 hours away from being a blogging master.
Because, to paraphrase a writer or three, “writing is easy”*
Because taking on this challenge gives me a great excuse for avoiding domestic chores like washing the dishes and folding the laundry. I know my wife appreciates that. In fact, she’s giving me the “#1” sign right now. (Wrong finger, honey.)
Because every one of my blog posts will be a pile of ship.
*I left out the part of the quote that talks about opening up a vein and bleeding onto the page. Because that sounds icky.
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