I hate to rain on your parade… actually, I can’t rain on your parade because there are widespread droughts.

On the plus side, no water hazards… (photo credit: Paul Bilodeau, the North Andover (MA) Eagle-Tribune)

Please take five minutes to read this Substack post from Bill McKibben.

But of course the damage is deepest in the poorest places. Somalia, and the surrounding region in the horn of Africa, are in the fifth straight rainy season without rain, and the toll is almost unimaginable. A million people have been internally displaced; the ones who haven’t managed to move to grim camps will soon starve. “They have no chance,” one refugee explained. “It is just a matter of time until they die. Even here we might die because we have nothing”.

From the Substack post linked above

And of course, what goes up (evaporation) must come down… we’re seeing that in Pakistan.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2022/pakistan-floods-monsoon-climate-change/?tid=ptv_rellink

(At least they have a Climate Change Minister… that’s more than you can say for the U.S. of A.)

We’re taking baby steps to address the climate crisis, but we need one giant leap for mankind. And the things that may prevent that, ironically, are the short-term consequences of not acting boldly enough.

In such a world of climate disruption and destabilization, the prospects for positive futures are bleak.  At the national and international levels, the capacity to move forward with bold and carefully conceived plans for emissions reductions and climate adaptation will be severely impaired.  A world consumed with the consequences of climate chaos will have little time for anything else. The multiple inadequacies and failures of global governance, never strong except in certain economic spheres, will likely be magnified by international tensions and conflicts as well as domestic preoccupations. And at the community level, energies will be monopolized by efforts at simply surviving and coping.

From this essay by James Gustave Speth

Sorry to be all gloom and doom, but water is life. Without it — or with too much of it –things are looking pretty gloomy.