I’ve found a kindred spirit that abhors all those home improvement shows as much as I do. And he’s written a hilarious blog post about it.
Trust me, more than 12 people read his blog, unless there are only 11 other people besides me who appreciate well-crafted sarcastic humor.
The entire post is here. You won’t list it, you’ll love it. And the rest of his Hitting the Trifecta blog posts are well worth checking out as well.
Well thank you, Damian! I really appreciate the shout-out! *the check is in the mail. it’s in Zimbabwean Dollars, hope that’s okay.
Thanks Rickey, I read several of your most recent posts and loved every one of them. Please keep comforting the afflicted (i.e. husbands subjected to HGTV) and afflicting the comfortable. Oh, and no need to pay me, I already won a European lottery and will get 30% of a West African inheritance as soon as I provide my bank account info. #livinlarge
That’s what we call “baller status,” sir. When you get singled out by fate to receive the blessings that the Universe and the Crown Prince of Nigeria have bestowed upon you, who are you to say no? When you hit that windfall, I hope you’ll consider moving to Waco, Texas – I hear there’s some good stuff happening there these days, if you stay away from the Baylor football team.