Keeping up with the Your Turn Challenge – Day 3

It’s Day 3 of the week-long “Your Turn Challenge.” Today’s writing prompt is:

Tell us about something that you think should be improved.

I think the United States of America needs to improve its coverage of the Kardashian family. Oh sure, we’ve had 10 seasons of a reality TV series about the glabulous* lives of Kris, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Kendall, as well as the Killer Bs: Bruce, Brody and Brandon… oh, and the brother whose name shall not be mentioned because it doesn’t start with a K or a B (sorry Rob). And there’ve been a few spin-off shows. And countless mentions on the infotainment shows that truly know what celeb-ration** is all about. But think of how many TV channels there are in our cable universe. Plus Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, et al. Geez, if they have a channel like CSPAN that covers the boring, not-camera-friendly Congress (sorry Mitch), and a handful of ESPNs, we should have about 20 Kardashian Channels at the bare minimum (sorry Kim).

Print media (yes, it still exists) is slacking too. OK, I’ll grant you that one or more of the Kardashian Clan appears on a People or US Weekly cover about every other week. But that’s not enough! The Kardashians are America’s version of the royal family. I won’t rest until all entertainment coverage is  99 and 44/100ths Kardashian, with a sprinkling of B.C. (Bradley Cooper or Benedict Cumberbatch, whichever you prefer).

And don’t even get me started on digital media. Sure, you can’t swing a Bruce Jenner wig without hitting a story about a member or three of the Kardashians (the real First Family, IMHO). But there’s so much more territory to cover. Instagram photos of baby North aren’t enough – we demand Instagrams of the dirty diapers. And c’mon Zuckerberg, quit resting on your laurels and invent ButtBook***, a social networking site devoted exclusively to the Kardashians’ superior posteriors.


“Keeping up with the Kardashians”? Hardly. Every day we’re losing precious ground. Unless we pick up the pace of Kardashian Koverage, the rest of the world will lose respect for us.


*it’s a mashup word I created, meaning glamorous and fabulous. All rights reserved.

** another mashup word for celebrity adoration. All rights reserved. Eat your heart out, Seacrest!

*** I trademarked it but will sell to Mark Zuckerberg for the right price.

Your Turn Challenge, Day 2 – what’s important to me

It’s Day 2 of the Your Turn Challenge and I need to prove that I’m not just a one-hit wonder… or a one-whiff wonder.

Today’s prompt is “Tell us about something that’s important to you.”

The things that are most important to me are the ashtray, the paddle game and the remote control. That’s all I need…

Oh, and making people happy. That’s what makes me tick. Every day, I try to find humor in nearly every situation (funerals are notable, albeit understandable, exception). If I can make someone laugh, or just smile, that’s a successful day for me. Heck, sometimes I’ll settle for someone wincing from a bad pun.

I know life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. My mother died when I was three, and my father raised four kids all by himself. It was a struggle, and we grew up dirt-poor. I could have chosen to wallow in “why me?” self-pity for the rest of my life, but instead I made a choice to try to be optimistic, to try to be happy, and to make others happy. As my favorite author Ray Bradbury said, “Life is too serious to be taken seriously.”

Taking the Your Turn Challenge

The “Your Turn Challenge” is a 7-day blogging challenge inspired by the Your Turn book by Seth Godin.

seth godin your turn challenge


Today’s writing prompt is: Why are you doing the Your Turn Challenge?

Because it is there.

Because Winnie asked me do it, and who can say no to a Winnie?

Because if I spend an hour each day on my blog post, I’ll only be 9,993 hours away from being a blogging master.

Because, to paraphrase a writer or three, “writing is easy”*

Because taking on this challenge gives me a great excuse for avoiding domestic chores like washing the dishes and folding the laundry. I know my wife appreciates that. In fact, she’s giving me the “#1” sign right now. (Wrong finger, honey.)

Because every one of my blog posts will be a pile of ship.


*I left out the part of the quote that talks about opening up a vein and bleeding onto the page. Because that sounds icky.

Imagination is wonderful… except to TimeWarner Cable

I can’t stand the TimeWarner Cable commercial where the mom gets mad at her husband and their son because they’ve used the living room furniture and some blankets to create a giant fort to play in, thereby preventing Mommie Dearest from watching her favorite shows on the TV in that room. In other words, she’s mad at her husband and son for using their imagination and playing together, because it prevents her from sitting on her butt on the couch and ignoring her family while turning her mind into mush watching cooking shows on a big screen TV. Thank goodness she has the TimeWarner app so she can still tune them out and stare at a screen.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein

“Imagination is more important than watching ‘Chopped’.” – Me

Hocus Focus – Meathead edition


Find at least 6 differences in details between panels

meathead rob lowe   gronk


(This was a trick question, there is no difference between Meathead Rob Lowe and Gronk.)

Quiz of the Day

A “Cumberbatch” is:

A. Hollywood’s flavor of the month.

B. a vegetable appetizer.

C. a slang term used in tuxedo rental shops to indicate any amount of 8  or more.

D. all of the above.