The Lost Art of Listening

This post from Scott Galloway is a year and a half old, but it’s worth flagging (again, perhaps). My favorite excerpt:

Add this to the list of ways social media is ruining society: It’s skewing our perception of the relative value of listening vs. speaking. Social media is a contact sport in which “takes” are the game ball. It’s taught us (incorrectly) that all our opinions matter. Worse, that everyone needs to hear and comment on them. 

He’s spot-on. You don’t get any sort of clout (or Klout, back in the day) for just reading something and not weighing in.

The delta between hearing and listening is attention, being present. This is difficult in the age of devices, but respect is what makes the other party feel heard. 

Scott offers four tips for lending someone our ears.

Not speaking up is easier said (unsaid?) than done. It takes practice. But the payoff for fewer words is more empathy.

“You gotta learn to listen, listen to learn…”

Understanding someone’s mental make-up

The podcast “Literally! with Rob Lowe” is in my regular rotation. I don’t get to every episode, but they’re usually pretty entertaining. The last one I listened to, however, was quite enlightening. Rob’s guest spoke eloquently and intelligently about the origins of makeup in this one-minute clip:

I certainly wasn’t expecting such erudition from this guy:

Yep, the self-proclaimed “God of Thunder” is actually a really smart cookie. And he makes no bones about the fact that he and his KISS buddy Paul Stanley were more interested in success than critical acclaim. But the podcast interview gives a lot more insight into that drive. It came from Gene’s mom, a Holocaust survivor who, at the age of 14, watched as her mother and grandmother were led away to the gas chambers.

Gene’s mom instilled in her only child a drive to make money… but as a means of safety, as some insulation against harm and danger. And Gene talks about how his mom was — and still is — his compass, and the person who gave him some much needed perspective on what really matters.

I tuned in expecting some laughs and funny stories (and the episode has those), but I didn’t expect the history lesson, and the emotional gravitas.

Gene may wanna rock and roll all night, and party every day… but there’s some real substance behind that kabuki makeup.

You can listen to the full podcast here on Podcast Addict (my favorite app for collating and listening to podcasts).

Crazy authors aren’t so crazy after all

Feeling “stuck” in your job (or your life)? Maybe you need some advice from this guy:

Ralph Steadman’s drawing of Hunter S. Thompson’s car beset by huge bats illustrated Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in 1971.

Yes, noted “gonzo journalist” Hunter S. Thompson would like a word with you:

You have the power to change things up. But don’t just take it from Hunter S. Thompson. Pull up a barstool and listen to this fella:

That’s noted Barfly Charles Bukowski, America’s most infamous poet and a “laureate of American lowlife” (Time, 1986). Here’s what he has to say about making your own breaks:

Just a couple of friendly reminders that life doesn’t happen TO you unless you let it. And if it seems crazy to make a change, then embrace the crazy.

[Both quotes above came onto my radar via James Clear’s excellent 3-2-1 weekly email. If you’re not already on the list, you have the power to change that. 🙂 ]

Meet the new king… much worse than the old King

This pretty much sums it up:

The clip above is from Jeff Tiedrich’s Substack post yesterday. Well worth a follow, IMHO.

Also worth noting that cartoonist Ann Telnaes recently quit her job at the Washington Post when this cartoon was killed:

[L to R: Jeff Bezos/Washington Post owner, Sam Altman/AI CEO, Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook & Meta founder and CEO, Patrick Soon-Shiong/LA Times publisher, and the Walt Disney Company/ABC News.]

Here’s Dave Chappelle’s plea at the end of his Saturday Night Live monologue:

A nice sentiment, but likely to fall on deaf ears. And Dave needs to save some “good luck” wishes for the American people who will be harmed by t-Rump’s policies, decrees, and whims.

OK, I’ve had my say. You know where I stand. As best as I can over the next four years, I’m going to try to not give any more oxygen to the dumpster fire. Lil’ Donny the broken boy needs a steady stream of attention, and I don’t want to contribute. I’d rather focus my attention on things that I can change.

An acceptable failure

Here’s a great opinion from the artist Rashid Johnson, in a profile from The New Yorker:

“There is no purity for me, no absolute success or failure, and no room for the masterpiece. When I see artists who have made works that are recognized as masterpieces, I see them having to chase those works for the rest of their careers, and I just don’t want that axe to grind. I would rather be seen as an acceptable failure, as the guy that failed consistently and kept going, kept trying, kept exploring. I want to pivot and move and work on multiple things at once, and with that comes a lot of freedom. I think the whole mystery of making art is about choices that are bold.”

Our life can imitate his art. Most of us will never have a “masterpiece.” Which, as Rashid points out, is probably for the best, as having one traps us in a box constructed by others’ expectations.

But we sure as heck can be the person “that failed consistently and kept going, kept trying, kept exploring.”

It’s not the failure that defines us — unless we let it. It’s the keeping going…

Happy exploring!

Nourishment: body and soul

Here’s your deep thought for the day:

Food for the body. Food for the soul.

And if you share your bounty with others (both the food-food and the brain-food), you’ll enrich their lives too.

I came across the quote above on Bluesky. I was never very active on Twitter, but now that it’s solely a propaganda tool for a plutocrat, it was time to move onward and upward.