Our second child, Peter, celebrates his 16th birthday today. Hard to believe. Seems like only yesterday he looked like this:
HT to my friend Dale Doyle for the wonderful photo – he took some great shots of Peter and our oldest child Gabriel (yes, “Peter Gabriel” but not in that order, and not for that reason, although Peter Gabriel is a great musical artist).
Now Peter’s getting his driving temps:
I know, “sunrise, sunset…” – I sound like every other parent ever.
Peter’s got a great sense of humor, and I like to tell him about one of my favorite Dave Barry newspaper columns, where he picked up his teenage son at school in the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile just to embarrass him.
It’s a funny column – as all Dave Barry columns are. Check it out here. Love the last paragraph:
Of course I did not expect thanks. My reward is the knowledge that some day, somehow, Rob will be a hideous embarrassment to his son. That’s what makes this country great: An older generation passing along a cherished tradition to a younger one, in very much the same way that a row of people at a baseball game will pass along those tasty Oscar Mayer wieners, which by the way also have been shown in laboratory tests to prevent baldness.
I see Peter mastered the Spiderman sign at such tender age! They do grow up fast. Sniff.
I’m not sure if that’s a Spiderman sign or the heavy metal “devil horns”…
Like to see the Sweet X hoodie will be memorialized on the temps! Speaking of X- my growing up too quickly Matthew Xavier just made the commitment to be a Musketeer!
Happy birthday Pete!
Congrats to Matthew Xavier! That’s exciting. He can always do his laundry and get a home cooked meal at our house. (Actually, we can’t even keep up with our own laundry and cooking…) Peter wears Xavier gear about 9 days out of every 10.