Would you want to run into this guy in a dimly lit bar at 11 o’clock at night?
If you like great rock and roll music, the answer is a resounding “yes!”
His name is Tim Showalter, and he and his fantastic band perform under the name Strand of Oaks. I saw them last night, in a free 10 p.m. show at MOTR Pub near downtown Cincinnati. It was well past my usual bedtime by the time they hit the stage, but I can always catch up on sleep, and I’ll probably never see a show quite like last night’s. The band was fantastic, sure, but there’s more to it than that.
And halfway through the show, they introduced a guy whom they had just met. A local singer/songwriter who had emailed Tim earlier in the day. He has a tumor in his chest that needs to be removed, but there’s a 50/50 chance that the surgery might damage his vocal cords. So in “Make a Wish” fashion he wanted to play on stage with Strand of Oaks, as it might be his last singing performance. Heavy stuff.
Strand of Oaks not only brought him up on stage to play one of his songs, but also had learned another song of his prior to the show and served as the backing band on it.
The moment was truly moving…I’ve been to hundreds of shows in my life and never experienced anything like it. It also shows what a big heart that Tim Showalter has. He may look like he belongs in a biker gang, but he’s a music lover, not a fighter. Here are a couple of quotes from recent articles that prove it:
“I’m giving hugs and shaking hands and sweating with everyone at our shows. I love making records and writing songs, and I’m already writing for the next record now, but what I love most are the concerts — getting to hang out with cool people, sing, play for my friends, have some good drinks and stay up late. I’m a simple guy, and whatever size the show is doesn’t matter, as long as my guitar works.”
[Read more here.]
We’re not living in the day and age where you can sell 5 million records, but there are still people hungry for it and that is the best thing about it. You can never duplicate the experience of what it’s like to go to a concert. [emphasis mine] That’s priceless currency in this world. You can never take that away. It’s my favorite thing to do.
[Read more here.]
Strand of Oaks latest album is called Hard Love. Check it out.
Tim is really one of the nicest guys in the biz. At MidPoint ’15 (my first WNKU event) I met him after we had previously invited him to the members-only tent – and he pretty much stayed around the entire afternoon talking to listeners and the staffers. It was landmark.
Thanks Sledge, for reading and providing even more insight into the kindness of Tim. On a somewhat related music note, so many music lovers are dreading the impending loss of the great programming on WNKU. You and your kindred DJ spirits will be missed. Any hope for an online only version?
As always, thanks. As for an online version? I’ll be blunt: Not gonna happen.