Paste Magazine has a nice interview with Geddy Lee, the singer/bassist for Canada’s premier power trio, Rush (sorry Triumph, better luck next time). Count me among the many “geeky nerds” (as Geddy himself says) who have always liked Rush. They were the first band I saw in concert, back in ’81 on the Moving Pictures tour, and they blew me away. I’ve seen them more than a dozen times over the ensuing years. They always put on a fantastic live show, which is a huge part of their enduring appeal. Better yet, they don’t seem to take themselves too seriously – must be that Canadian upbringing.

rush trio

It seems that Neil Peart, the Rush drummer, doesn’t want to tour anymore. Can’t blame him. He’s the best drummer in the world but kids a third of his age wouldn’t be able to keep up with the demands of single Rush set, much less an entire tour. I certainly hope  they still make studio albums, but if not it’s been a fantastic 40+ years. And as their R40 tour proved, they still have the chops.

Here’s a clip of one of their more recognizable songs…


… and this one’s for the geeky nerds:


Here’s a closing thought to keep in mind:
