I’ve been doing some digital spring cleaning, and I encourage you to do the same.

WaPo may be sorry to see me go, but I call b.s. on the “absolutely nothing has changed…”

There are the two recent developments that made me unsubscribe.

First was the news from Jan. 4th:

And then the final blow (because it blows) came this week:

I agree with Amanda Katz, a former member of the opinion team at the Washington Post who stepped down from her role at the end of 2024. She called the change:

“an absolute abandonment of the principles of accountability of the powerful, justice, democracy, human rights, and accurate information that previously animated the section in favor of a white male billionaire’s self-interested agenda”

My $40 a year won’t put a dent in Bozos wallet. But I’m not gonna stand idly by while the free press gets gutted by a guy who sells trinkets and baubles (mostly from China).

And here’s a bit more spring cleaning you can do, courtesy of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

Instructions are here. (I should’ve spelled out the URL, as it’s “JohnOliverWantsYourRatErotica.”)

I’m rarely on Facebook, but every little bit helps!

Finally, there’s the non-elected, non-citizen who is running our country. (Oops, sorry for the typo, I meant “ruining” not “running.”)

Getting rid of the Twit is a bit more difficult (so much for “efficiency”) as you’ll have to request YOUR data, then wait for an email with a download link. But instructions are here.

It’s chump change to the oligarchs. But dollars are the only noise they hear. And if we all do it, maybe democracy still has a chance.