Here’s a great opinion from the artist Rashid Johnson, in a profile from The New Yorker:
“There is no purity for me, no absolute success or failure, and no room for the masterpiece. When I see artists who have made works that are recognized as masterpieces, I see them having to chase those works for the rest of their careers, and I just don’t want that axe to grind. I would rather be seen as an acceptable failure, as the guy that failed consistently and kept going, kept trying, kept exploring. I want to pivot and move and work on multiple things at once, and with that comes a lot of freedom. I think the whole mystery of making art is about choices that are bold.”
Our life can imitate his art. Most of us will never have a “masterpiece.” Which, as Rashid points out, is probably for the best, as having one traps us in a box constructed by others’ expectations.

But we sure as heck can be the person “that failed consistently and kept going, kept trying, kept exploring.”

It’s not the failure that defines us — unless we let it. It’s the keeping going…

Happy exploring!
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