When I saw this truck, I immediately thought of Cool Hand Luke.
Has anyone under the age of 70 ever purchased this type of candy?
Candystore.com referred to ribbon candy as “the candy equivalent of, ‘he has a great personality.’ “
Customer comments:
“Whatever that ribbon stuff is, it isn’t candy. There should be a sign that says NOT FOOD.”
“My sister loves the ribbon candy, but she never eats it. Because, duh it’s nasty and awkward.”
“It should be a crime to call this stuff candy.”
“The worst Christmas non-candy candy.”
Saw this shirt at the local thrift store. I should’ve immediately purchased it because: A. I’m beat AND B. I’m a male.
The one on the left provides quicker relief. (Just for the record, this was not on the desk of my work manager.)
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