Yesterday was 4/20, bro, the unofficial stoner’s holiday. A group in Ohio wants to turn every day into a green day by legalizing recreational and medical use of marijuana. But the green that’s their real motivation isn’t a stash, it’s cold cash.

The group, called Responsible Ohio, is currently gathering petition signatures in an effort to have voters weigh in on a November ballot proposal that will designate 10 farms in the state as official marijuana growing sites. And guess who owns those sites? That’s right, it’s the rich investors that formed Responsible Ohio! They’re looking to create a government-protected corporate cartel. The only way that this could be more of a monopoly is if the Responsible Ohio folks all wore top hats.

monopoly guy

The latest high-profile (see what I did there?) backer of (Ir)Responsible Ohio is former B-list boy band member and reality TV actor Nick Lachey. Mr. 98 Degrees is not exactly in the Hot 100 on the Snoop Dogg “Smoke It if You Got It” charts. But he’s been on a reality show or three, so he knows all about false pretenses.

Personally, I’ve never partaken in weed. I’m stupid enough without it. Whether you are for or against recreational use, this petition is a wolf in tie-dyed sheep’s clothing. It may reek of patchouli, but it’d really stink for Ohio.

You can read more here: